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 Easter Training Camp!

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Over the Easter holidays we are going to be hosting two four-day camps to give swimmer the boost they need heading into the last cycle of the swimming season!


We will be taking swimmers through a mixture of all different types of swim and gym stations with focuses on both skill development, hard work and of course teamwork!

“The first step to greatness is the willingness to learn”

Week 1 (W/C 25/03/2024) Timetable

Week 2 (W/C 03/04/2024) Timetable

Session Plans

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Swim Session Content


Throughout all the sessions we will be working SMART. There will be some “key sessions” where the swimmers will be challenged physically but these camps are as much about working smart as they are about working hard.

Introduction – This session will be an aerobic and skills-based session introducing the swimmers to the week.

Threshold – This is a key energy system for a swimmer, so we are looking to put a twist on the “classic” threshold set and give the swimmers something a little more specific that they probably haven’t done before.

Feel – “Feel” is something swimmers talk about a lot, it is the relationship that they have with the water. Through this session we will be developing the swimmer’s feel for the water and also giving them drills and skills to work on in training when they feel like they are losing their “feel”.


Individual Technique – This session will be focused around individual technical points picked up on during the week.


Turn Skills – Turns are often a part of the race that lets swimmers down and when you do hundreds if not thousands of them every week, they need to be top notch! There will be 2 stations, one running touch turns for butterfly and breaststroke and one for backstroke and freestyle.


Heart Rate Max – This is the nastiest type of session that we will be doing through the week. The aim of this set is to reach a maximum heart rate but to not let the technique slip off, to maintain a perfect stroke while under the pressure.


Kick Variations – As the motor for the stroke, kick is a key component for any swimmer and something that is really important to nail, so at any point in a race you can really bring your legs in when they’re needed. Through this session we will be working through different variations of kick and kicking styles.


Week Content

The camp will be split into two different groups (Junior/Senior) for the swim/gym sessions in order to best meet the needs of everyone involved. 


Swim Sessions - The swim sessions will be very varied across the week including some training sessions for each of the different energy systems required to take your swimming to the next level. These will include, threshold, heart rate max, skills, RECOVERY and much more.


Gym Sessions - All the gym sessions will be body weight/circuit based and will be tailored to meet the individual requirements of the camp participants. 


Stretch Sessions - The stretching sessions on the days without gym will provide participants with the opportunity to allow their bodies the chance to adapt and recover between sessions. This will also facilitate learning around the importance of keeping your body healthy when you’re involved in such a heavy training sport. 

Lunch/Downtime - This part of the day is for lunch/down time. A key part of any swimmer’s day is recovery and that is that is what this time is for. If swimmers would like to discuss anything private with any of the members of team this is also the perfect opportunity to do it. 


The Team

Ed Baxter - I will be leading the camp and taking responsibility for the organisation of everything during the week. There will also be one other member of my team working the camp at all times who will be assisting with all the swim, gym and stretching sessions.


This camp will be held at – The Castle Rock School, Coalville, LE67 4BR.
Please note this is not a “stay over camp” and participants are responsible for organising their own transport, accommodation and meals.

Contact Details and Booking

The cost of the camp is £395 this is made up of 2 payments a £45 non-refundable deposit which is required on booking and a final payment of £350 which can be paid on or before the first day of your specific camp. If you would like to attend both weeks there is a discount rate available of £750 for both weeks. There are only limited spaces available for each camp.

To book on to the camp please click here and for enquires please see contact details below. 
Email -
Phone number - 07572553420


This promises to be a great week for the swimmers to gain some unique experiences which are not generally available, to learn more around what it takes to be a World Class Athlete and above all to have fun!

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